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Customer Service Ideas Portal

Customer Service

Showing 11

Enable members to update preferred language + accessibility format on member portal

Create tool for members to update preferred language (Spanish, Chinese, etc.) and accessibility format (large print, Braille) on member portal and have that information transmitted to the plan.
Guest almost 4 years ago in  1 Needs review

Submit an Appeal via the Member Portal

Develop a standard appeal form ExR available on the Member Portal. Allow members to complete a set of data fields to submit an appeal and that data is transmitted to Lumeris electronically. Offer option/button to appeal from the Claim view.
Guest about 4 years ago in  0 Needs review

Submit an AOR and Hipaa Auth form via the Member Portal

Develop a standard AOR and HIPAA form ExR available on the Member Portal. Allow members to complete a set of data fields to submit a AOR and HIPAA form and that data is transmitted to Lumeris electronically.
Karen Stocke about 4 years ago in  1 Needs review

Send Email to Member After Customer Service Call

To improve member communication and accountability, we could send an email to every member who calls into customer service with a picture of the rep and a summary of the call.
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Needs review

Request a Case Manager via Member Portal

Give members the ability to request a case manager through the member portal.
Guest about 4 years ago in  4 Needs review

Automate ID card orders requested through member website

Current process is for CS to manually order ID card orders placed through the member website. Develop a process to automate ordering to reduce manual step.
Guest about 3 years ago in  0 Needs review

Display copays and co-insurance to reflect member LIS status

If a member has LIS, display the copays and co-insurance (ex: on Benefits Overview, Pharmacy Copay Grid) that match their LIS levels.
Guest about 3 years ago in  0 Needs review

Add detail about email process to EHI Contact page

Customer Service requires key data points when members email to validate identity. Lack of sufficient details results in outbound calls or back and forth emails by CS Tier 2 team. On Contact page, add guidance that members include the following in...
Guest about 3 years ago in  0 Needs review

Gather updated provider information through provider website

Use an EXR form on the provider website to allow providers to update their information. Current link to "update provider directory information" links to two PDFs that must be submitted via mail, fax, or email.
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Needs review

SHCA PCP History available on the Provider Portal

After further clarification, modifying the idea to the following: Stanford Healthcare has requested that Lumeris investigates the feasibility of adding a member's PCP history to the SHCA Provider portal. Due to Stanford's Medical Groups, the membe...
Guest almost 4 years ago in  1 Needs review